Channel Fencing has been developed from the renowned Expamet Diamond system, to provide perimeter security solutions for the water industry. For the utility industry in particular, boundary security is of paramount importance. Channel allows water utilities to fulfil their obligation of safeguarding the public while providing cost effective boundary demarcation and protection, deterring trespass and criminal damage.
Expanded Metal Fence —Electra
Electra has been specifically designed for the electric industry, particularly sub-station protection, where security is important. Deterring both trespass and vandalism and acting as a protective barrier for valuable plant, Electra is difficult to penetrate and can be combined with a security topping to prevent scaling. Cost-effective, with optional features such as low cost gravel boards and a reduction in fixings allows maximum security at minimum cost. With the option of powder coating, Electra combines quality aesthetics with good through vision. This is important in particular for electrical substations which are often situated in residential locations.
Expanded Metal Fence —Fastrack
The current climate of criticism directed towards all parts of the rail industry at present, screaming safety and budget is building to a deafening crescendo. Obstruction, Arson, Crime and Injury are just some of the existing problems affecting the industry today. Fastrack fencing is an accredited Secured by Design system, offering 'Police Preferred Specification' status and has been developed in conjunction with the rail industry to help reduce route crime issues on trackside. This system is ideally suited to project delivery and complimentary works, giving benefits to all aspects of the rail industry. Route crime is costly: not only to railway companies but in terms of the number of lives lost per year.
expanded metal fence —Primary
Security is increasingly becoming a concern for schools and many are choosing to install fencing to protect children and property. In response, Expamet have developed Primary a substantially more secure, yet cost effective alternative to lightweight fencing. Designed around circular posts with no potentially dangerous protruding bolts, Primary is safe for both children and the general public. Posts and fencing can be polyester powder coated in standard RAL colours to make Primary an eye-catching feature of the surroundings.
expanded metal fence —Diamond
Expamet have developed the Diamond System to provide a substantially more secure and cost effective alternative to palisade or chain link fencing. The most popular of Expamets systems, due to its easy installation and long life expectancy, Diamond has a unique post/stringer design with no protruding bolts, which makes it particularly suitable to an environment where public safety and security are of a high priority.
expanded metal fence —Fixafence
Fixafence is a versatile, economical system which has been used extensively across all market sectors in a wide range of applications, for the upgrading of fencing, keeping costs down by using existing posts. It is ideal for upgrading insecure and dilapidated fencing to achieve modern security standards with a proven system that combines high security with minimum maintenance.
expanded metal fence —Hy Security
The Expamet Hy Security System is a rigid, maximum protection perimeter fence. It has been designed to prevent criminal activity and trespass and offer high impact resistance. Difficult to scale, particularly when used in conjunction with toppings, all fixings are concealed and inaccessible from the outer face. Hy Security has been used in a wide range of applications, in particular International Airports, where boundary protection is of utmost importance.
expanded metal fence —Super Security
The complete Super Security system is one of the highest levels of security available on the market today. In areas where fencing needs to be robust to deter vandals, crime, protect property and provide a high level of general security, Expamets Super Security is a total package incorporating posts, fittings and heavy duty gates.
The Super Security product has been involved in a series of tests by Government testing bodies. A series of evaluations were carried out to test the strength, anti climb properties and hosting properties of electronic security equipment. The system performed well in all categories and exceeded the requirements of 'Class 4' status, the highest category for security fencing by set by Government agencies.